Petra Kiprov
Remedial Massage
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Petra Kiprov

Meet Petra, our highly experienced remedial therapist, who has been transforming lives through therapeutic massage since the year 2000.

Petra's journey in the field of massage therapy began with a Certificate 3 in Massage from Chisholm, she then completed a Diploma in Sports (massage therapist) at Chisholm in 2003. Recognizing the importance of specialization, Petra further honed her expertise by obtaining a Diploma of Remedial Massage at Eastern Health Training.

With over two decades of experience, Petra's passion for helping others has led her to various roles within the industry. She has shared her wealth of knowledge as an instructor and assessor in massage for both Chisholm and Eastern Health Training. Petra has also collaborated with other healthcare professionals, including naturopaths and chiropractors, in different clinical settings.

Petra has had the privilege of working as a massage therapist at prominent sporting events, such as the Australian Wheelchair Tennis Open and with Wheelchair Rugby Australia. Her expertise in Remedial Massage is complemented by specialized training in pregnancy massage and as an infant massage instructor, catering to the unique needs of expecting mothers and their little ones.

Petra regularly attends workshops and seminars. By staying at the forefront of advancements in the field, she ensures that she can provide her clients with the latest techniques and approaches. With each new skill she adds to her ever-expanding "tool box," Petra empowers her clients on their wellness journey.

Whether you seek relief from muscle tension, chronic pain, or simply want to enhance your overall well-being, Petra's skillful hands and compassionate nature will guide you towards optimal health. Book an appointment with Petra at Naturally Well Chiropractic and experience the transformative power of remedial massage therapy.

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